“La fotografía ayuda a las personas a ver”. "Photography helps people to see". Bernice Abbott

In Argentina and Uruguay - covering and knowing different locations offering my services to a wide variety of clients, I was trained with a plural vision of the image, embracing photography and video in different situations, always with the same stimulus: to search and try to being in the front row of events, looking closely, that led me to be a ductile and experienced professional, looking for light and emotion to come together in each shot to capture unique moments. I hope you enjoy my work and find inspiration in each image.​​​​​​​
Esta es una caricatura que mi amigo y tan recordado Christoph de edad muy joven, estuvo por aquellos años 90 en CInecentro Producciones, haciendo una pasantía laboral y a su despedida, (volvía a su Alemania natal), me regalo este dibujo que sintetiza mis primeros pasos por la producción de video. En aquellos años, estaba todo por descubrir, disfrutábamos mezclando, conectando aquí y allá, cables, conversores, switches, monitores y cámaras. Todos los días eran un laboratorio de una nueva forma de expresión, la electrónica y el video se unían para darnos esas primeras imágenes a color, Gracias Christoph.
This is a cartoon that my friend and much-remembered Christoph, at a very young age, was at Cinecentro Producciones in those 90s, doing a work internship and when he was fired, (he returned to his native Germany), he gave me this drawing that synthesizes my first steps for video production. In those years, everything was to be discovered, we enjoyed mixing, connecting cables, converters, switches, monitors and cameras here and there. Every day was a laboratory for a new form of expression, electronics and video came together to give us those first color images, Thank you Christoph

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